My pets are another part of my family. Sometimes they are more loyal to me than the human part of my family.
My Pets are:
Corky is a Plotthound and Rottweiler mix. He is very energetic and one of the tamest dogs that own us. He came to live with us when he was just 6 weeks old. He takes care of us and loves us. He loves hunting with Paul and playing with me.
Hardy is a Great Pyranese. He is one of the most loveable dogs we have ever had the pleasure of having in our family. He loves running through the woods and he even plays tag with the other dogs.
Haywire is part Rottweiler, Cocker Spaniel and part Black Lab. He is learning from the other dogs how to behave, (sometimes a blessing, other times a curse!).He was a "drop-off" dog, but we gladly adopted him into our family.
Jefferson Finis 'Dave' Davis
'Dave' is our cat. I got him from a friend up at work when he was just a few weeks old. He's not very sociable as he seems to want to attack our company when they come through the door. He just celebrated his first birthday. He runs the house with some strict guidelines: leave his toys alone, pet him at all times, and always be prepared to get loved on! Paul has taught Dave a new trick: Dave can fetch! It's one of his favorite games to play.
Robert Edward "Ed" Lee
He is almost a year old now. He and Dave get along quite well, and Ed has taught Dave that it is ok to be socialable. Ed is our "Wal-Mart" cat. He is a long-hair, which is hell on my allergies, but I still love him!
©2010 Laurie S. Biswell. This site is provided for entertainment and educational purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended. Unless otherwise noted, all material on this site is copyright to Laurie S. Biswell, webmistress of Paul and Laurie's Home on the Web. All authors, artists, and musicians retain their own copyrights.