Laurie Sue
Updated on May 24, 2010

A Little About Me

There is a lot more to me than meets the eye. I am a 39 year old woman who enjoys her life the best she can. I am currently in the process of getting my divorce. Some of my favorite things to do are: camping, reading, genealogy, jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, suoku, writing webpages, coffee, pizza, Charmed, Law & Order, Sean Connery, Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, Debra Winger, and much much more.

My philosophy in life is rather a simple one: "Enjoy each day that you are given, live it like there is no tomorrow...and spend it making everyone's time on earth happy!" I believe that all of humankind has the right to eternal happiness.

The things I will not put up with are liars, cheaters, players, users and haters. I don't waste my time on people who believe that others are simply put here for the pleasure of being ripped emotionally. I was abused physically, mentally, and emotionally by my soon-to-be ex-husband for six years. In those six years he made me feel as though I didn't deserve to have a life, that I shouldn't have my own opinions, likes or dislikes. Then one day I woke up and realized that I am a good person, with a good heart and that I deserved the best that life had to offer. I left my husband. In the 12 years since, the road has been a struggle to travel, but I travel it everyday. No one deserves to be treated as if they were not human. I have learned a lot about myself in that time, but the one thing I have learned is that I am a survivor who can and will do what has to be done to reach my goals, but not at the expense of hurting someone else.

Life is like money, spend it wisely!

Selected Photos of Laurie

Updated on May 24, 2010

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Laurie (as a senior in high school)



Laurie's News

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Going back to school

I am going back to school to get my GED. My two oldest graduating this year inspired me. If they can do it, so can I!

Gonna be a GRANDMA!!!

My oldest, Katie is gonna have a baby. She is due in August 2010. The last sonogram showed that it will be a boy. I can't wait!

Trying to find an old friend

I am trying to locate an old friend of mine that I have lost contact with over the years. I would really love to get ahold of her again. If anyone has any information on how I could contact the following person, please e-mail me.

  • Dawn Irene (Ellenberger) O'Neal
  • Last known residence: Independence, Missouri

Updated on May 24, 2010

Web Comps That I Belong To

Dreamers Odyssey   Little Dragon Castle   Lady Moonstone's Vote Club   Salem's Web Comp   Fairy Musings

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